Sax Solo

Members: saxophone.

Most often this music format is used for welcome guests and romantic events (dates, proposals, romantic dinner, surprise for loved ones). 

When it is used:

  • Wedding party;
  • Birthday Party;
  • Welcome.
  • Background music (for dinner, buffet-table, the informal part of the business-activities (conferences, forums, presentations and others).

The Jody Grind

Aqua De Beber

Funky Solution



 Orlov2021 14 VTP1 spy2017 25 spy2017 3 november2016 7 november2016 14 november2016 18 serverspring2 servers2 august 2014 12 road2 manon0705 manon0702 romanovbar3 romanovbar2 manon3 apek1 rad12 rad11 solosax